Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Assignment 1 done.... I think

Well I think almost everything is done for assignment 1, which is relieving. I recently just finshed adding my complex functions to the tags folder as Ive sorta been putting it off for sometime now. Not because im lazy, but because I was still hazy on what exactly tags were for. During class on monday a couple of my group members clarified exactly what it was for. As far as the simple functions go, I dont know if were supposed to make a folder in tags for each of those aswell. I didnt because it seemed sort of pointless for such small functions, but it will probably come back to bite me in the a**.

It was also nice to see that the majority of my group have done what they set out to do. I was actually going to come home and finish doing the linux and mac parts of my simple functions tonight, but it looks like Umar beat me to it!

Thanks for doing those Umar, really appreciate it.

So far this semester has been pretty good. Ive learnt quite a bit in OOP344 so far. Its nice having the CDOT planet feed to look at what everyone is doing in the school. Its sorta inspiring looking at what people a couple of semesters ahead of me are doing and seeing them post blogs about it. Its also nice to look at what problems the rest of my class is having and how they resolved it. Being able to look at a problem through someone elses perspective really helps, especially when you have been stairing at code for hours.

Anyways time to take a much needed rest after some midterms.

Until next time,


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