Monday, January 11, 2010

And so it begins...

Well today was the first day back to classes after an almost month long break, and surprisingly enough, im glad to be back. Mondays are by far my worst day, being about 7 hours straight. But despite the long hours at school, it looks like class is going to be pretty entertaining. Now to get to how this blog came to be.

During my first class of OOP344, our teacher proceeded to tell us that he was trying something different this semester, and that we would be the first full semester hes tried this idea on. He explained how the class would be focusing on open source concepts, and how we would be undertaking programming projects 20x's bigger then we have in OOP244. He also told us that all projects would be done in groups, which is both a sigh of relief, and a potential future full of grief. I say this because I have worked in groups in the past which, sadly, have mostly ended in arguements and someone slacking off. Im going to attempt to stay optimistic about this and hope for the best!

All in all, im quite excited about this semester, the teacher seems to be quite entusiastic about the material and encourages class participation, quite different from the usual programming class im used to. Cant wait to get more in depth into OOP344.

Until next time,


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